Saturday, July 7, 2007

"JCC towers to hold six million pennies as Holocaust reminder"
Szesc wiez zawierajacych 6 milionow pensow-po jednej monecie na kazda z szesciu milionow ofiar.Nastepny maniakalny pomysl sprzedawcow z holobiznesu"

Kolejny idiotyzm

Quote:Six million.For many people, it is a number far too large to conceptualize.
(I think we all agree. )
In hopes of providing a visual that will provide a stark reminder of the lessons of the Holocaust, the Jewish Community Center Tuesday night officially launched a project entitled, “Six Million Pennies: Lessons of the Holocaust One Penny at a Time.” The project consists of six towers erected in the JCC’s hallway designed to each hold 1 million pennies, representing 6 million lives lost. "

Zydowskie Centrum chce nam pomoc w uzmyslowieniu sobie jak moze wygladac szesc milionow ofiar.Nie wiem czy celowo czy przypadkiem w tym kolejnym chorym holo-idiotyzmie jedna moneta ma zastapic jedna ofiare.Szesc milionow monet .Czy oni chca nam cos powiedziec ?

(I see it now. Six towers of money. That helps to "conceptualize"... )
Juz to widze oczami wyobrazni: szesc wiez zbudowanych z forsy..

The night’s keynote speaker was Sonia Weitz, education director of The Holocaust Center of Boston North in Peabody and a Holocaust survivor.[...]As a survivor of five concentration camps, Weitz noted that she and her sister Blanca were the only two among 84 family members to survive the Holocaust.
Jednym z pomyslodawcow byla niejaka Weitz,ktora przezyla 5 obozow i ktora razem ze swoja siostra Blanka byla jedyna ,ktora przezyla z 84 osobowej rodziny!
(Not only she toured five camps, but it is very strange that so many "survivors" had such large families. The only ones I know with comparable metrics are those of polygamous Malians. Yet they do not frequently reach those towering numbers. )

Weitz nie tylko przezyla piec obozow ala jak zwykle u tych co przezyli miala bardzo liczna rodzine ,ktora nie przezyla

Weitz shared the poem “Tree of Life,” detailing her experience of returning to Poland years later to find that the tree her father had planted the day she was born still stood strong, symbolizing “continuity, rebirth and hope.”

Weitz podzielila sie wrazeniami z Polski gdzie odwiedzila drzewko posadzone przez jej ojca wtedy gdy Weitz przyszla na swiat."

With so many brothers, sisters, cousins, and other relatives, she should have found a forest?

Przy takiej ilosci siostr,braci kuzynow itp dziwne jest ,ze nie znalazla posadzonego lasu."

Quote:During the launch, Schuler poured the contents of Ziploc bags and Tupperware containers attendees had brought with them into one of the six towers, noting that organizers hope to be on to their second million by this time next year.

Such a spectacle is described in the Ancient Testament. It occurred at Mont Sinai...

Jak dlugo jeszcze i co bedzie nastepne?Szesc milionow zarowek moze?

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