Problem polega na tym,ze ci ,ktorzy chca nas kontrolowac nie moga jeszcze kontrolowac wszystkich informacji ,nawet tych -"nieprawomyslnych", politycznie niepoprawnych i niebezpiecznych.Nie znaczy to ,bynajmniej,ze WIELKI BRAT zrezygnowal.
O tym wlasnie mowi list jaki podrzucila Yolanda (Jola) .Mowi on o probach Google zablokowania strony ,ktora przez kilka lat przynosila prawdziwe,"nie-uczesane" wiadomosci z okupowanego Iraku.
Google, the Daily Kos, and the End of Free Speech
June 29, 2007
America was developed with a constitution which protects freedom of speech. It is probably the most powerful and important right the people in America and a few other countries have left. With freedom of speech injustice is exposed and eventually and hopefully eliminated. Without freedom of speech truth is relegated to the shadows and the people are purposely misinformed and mislead. No one would want to live in society that treats people this way, so why do we allow it to happen on the internet?
It has always been our position to point out injustice wherever we see it. We don't play favorites with any government or group of people, so naturally we criticize Israel for their actions as we would any country or people who are carrying out death squad terrorism, mass violations of human rights, and mass imprisonment. Today's corporate media misinforms and misleads people on most of the issues, the Israeli occupation of Palestine is one. To it's yet another terrible injustice, another piece of news the media isn't telling people about, so we want to talk about it.
An interesting thing happens when we post articles about the killing and the brutality carried out by Israelis and their supporters, something that doesn't occur when criticizing any other country. When we pointed out that Israel dropped 500-pound bombs on Lebanese neighborhoods and they dropped small American made guided bombs on ambulances, and occasionally Israeli soldiers shoot school children in the head, we made some new enemies who wanted to hurt our site....
Wsrod informacjii ,ktore byly sola w izraelskim oku byly takie zdjecia publikowane przez ,ktorych na darmo szukac w nowojorskich gazetach dla Amerykanow :

Nic dziwnego ,ze zydowski "Big Brother" nie chce takich zdjec:To powyzej, to dach palestynskiego ambulansu trafiony z izraelskiego helikoptera przy uzyciu amerykanskich precyzyjnych pociskow.

Jesli potrzeba stawajcie w obronie wolnego slowa tam gdzie to tylko mozliwe.
Tylko wolne slowo jest szansa na wolnosc obywateli.
Nie pozwolcie odebrac sobie tej szansy .
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