O tym jak bezczelny zydowski szantazysta ,ktory spedzil jEDNA NOC w BRZEZINCE chcial przy pomocy zydowskiego sedziego udowodnic istnienie komor gazowych i co z tego wyniklo:
Mermelstein i jego wystepy
Zorientowalem sie ,ze w tresci swojego wpisu wybieglem troche do przodu i winien jestem troche wiecej wyjasnien wstepnych.
Cala sprawa zaczela sie od tego,ze VHO oglosilo nagrode 50 tysiecy dolarow dla osoby ,ktora UDOWODNI ISTNIENIE "KOMOR GAZOWYCH" W OSWIECIMIU.
Mermelstein postanowil sprobowac.Reszta -ponizej.
Najpierw szantazysta mial "szczescie":
"On October 9, 1981, in response to a motion by Mermelstein, Judge Thomas Johnson of the Superior Court of California in Los Angeles declared:
Under Evidence Code Section 452(h), this court does take judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944.... It is not reasonably subject to dispute, and it is capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a fact."
9 tego pazdiernika 1981 roku sedzia Thomas Johnson z sadu w Los Angeles stwierdzil:
Sad uznal ,ze Zydzi byli "gazowani" na smierc w obozie w Oswiecimiu w lecie 1944 roku.Temat nie podlega dyskusji bo zostalo juz dawno ustalone ,ze "gazowanie" jest faktem"
"Encouraged by this success, Mermelstein later brought yet another suit for $11 million against the Institute charging malicious prosecution, defamation, conspiracy to inflict emotional distress, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Yet on Thursday, September 19, 1991, in the Superior Court at Los Angeles, Mermelstein voluntarily dismissed most of his complaints. (Earlier that day, Judge Stephen Lachs had dismissed Mermelstein's complaint of "malicious prosecution.") This victory not only saved the Institute for Historical Review, but also substantially overturned the negative effects of the both the 1981 judicial notice and the 1985 settlement. (For more on this sweeping legal victory, see the October 1991 IHR Newsletter.)"
"We learned that the trial judge, Stephen Lachs, was Jewish, a member of the liberal American Civil Liberties Union, and the first avowed homosexual to serve as a judge in California history. As it happened, Lachs turned out to be a conscientious and impartial judge, despite the sensitive nature of the case and the blatant attempts by Mermelstein's attorneys to appeal to his Jewish background."
Zydowska pazernosc wziela gore ale..pazerny dwa razy traci.Zachecony wstepnym powodzeniem Mermelstein zlozyl skarge domagajac sie 11 -tu milionow dolarow (!!!) odszkodowania za straty moralne itp.Dostal g... POMIMO TEGO ,ZE nastepny sedzia BYL Zydem.
"The frustrating thing for all informed and conscientious Revisionists was that the IHR's researchers were aware from the beginning, thanks to the very affidavit Mermelstein presented to claim the $50,000 reward, that when he described watching his mother and sisters enter "gas chamber no. 5" through a tunnel, he was speaking of an impossibility, an absurdity that became even more absurd six months later, when, in sworn testimony, he said he'd seen them going down the stairs into the tunnel to the gas chamber. Why? Because even then it was well known to all students of Auschwitz that "gas chamber no. 5" -- in fact, Auschwitz Krematorium building V -- had no stairs descending from the outside, no tunnel, and no basement. It was entirely above ground!
As the IHR's staff and supporters gathered more evidence, in the months and years of the first trial, they learned more. In Mermelstein's own book, By Bread Alone, which offers a detailed account of the single night and day he spent at Birkenau (May 21-22, 1944), and which was published only two years before his sworn affidavit in application for the reward, Mermelstein wrote nothing of witnessing his mother and sisters enter any building at all, let alone any gas chamber -- whether down the stairs, up the ladder, through the window, or down the chimney.'
Wyobrazci sobie frustracje historykow z IHR ,ktorzy wiedzieli od poczatku ,ze brednie opowiadane przez Mermelsteina o tym ,ze widzial swoja matke schodzaca po schodach ,tunelem do wnetrza komory gazowej nr.5 byly totalna bzdura.,ale jednoczesnie orzeczenie sedziego przyznawalo racje oszustowi.W ksiaze samego Mermelsteina "O samym chlebie" wydanej dwa lata przed procesem ,ktora dokladnie opisuje JEDNA NOC I JEDEN DZIEN JAKI KLAMCA SPEDZIL W BRZEZINCE, autor wiekopomnego dziela nie wspomminal ani slowa o tym czy i jak jego matka i siostra wchodzila do komory gazowej.Wszystko jedno czy po schodach ,po drabinie,przez okno czy przez komin..Odzyskal pamiec wtedy gdy zydowscy prawnicy pokazali mu jak mozna zalapac sie na wiecej holo-dolarow niz poczatkowo chcial uzyskac"
Cala sprawa zakonczyla sie kompromitacja oszustwa i zwyciestwem obroncow wolnego slowa i historycznej prawdy.
Od siebie moge dodac jedynie ,ze zaatakowany przez zydo-faszystow w tej sprawie w forum S.Michalkiewicza otrzymalem od nich nawet numer czeku i nazwe banku KTORY WYPLACIL ZLODZIEJOWI "WYGRANA SUME PIENIEDZY".Napisalem do w/w banku ,wyjasniajac o jakie informacje (i dlaczego) mi chodzi.
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