Saturday, July 7, 2007

Jeszcze o Treblince i holo-rzeczoznawcach

We know exactly where the camps, the gas chambers and the burialgrounds are, yet there is a shocking lack of forensic evidence. For instance, in the Nuremberg Trials that supposedly document the popular conception of the Holocaust it is claimed that fully one-third of theHolocaust victims, some 2,000,000 Jews were murdered in the three campsof Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec.

Wiemy doskonale gdzie byly obozy,"komory gazowe" i mmiejsca rzekomych masowych grobow.Wedlug holomitu w Treblince,Belzu i Sobiborze zginelo 2 miliony zydow,jedna trzecia oficjalnej zydowskiej liczby ofiar

In the 11 months of trial, 22 volumes of transcripts of theHolocaust at Nuremberg, there is only 20 minutes of testimony on these three camps. Twenty minutes of testimony at Nuremberg on the supposed death of 2,000,000 people! And these twenty minutes offer not a scrapof any forensic or physical evidence. No, it is simply the anecdotal testimony of a handful of the surviving victims and a torture-inducedconfession of a Nazi health inspector, that on their face contain some impossible claims that even official Holocaust historians say are false. No cross examination was allowed for these witnesses.

W ciagu jedenastu miesiecy procesu ,w 22 tomach zeznan znajduje sie tylko okolo 20 minut w czasie ktorych byla mowa o tych obozach.
20 minutach poswieconych smierci 2 milionow ludzi?!
I w ciagu tych 20 minut zeznan nie ma nawet strzepa naukowego lub namacalnego dowodu.Jedyne co jest to zeznania kilku swiadkow i wymuszone torturami zeznia bylych urzednikow hitlerowskich,ktore sa tak nieprawdopodobne ,ze nawet oficjalni historycy okreslaja je jako falszywe.
Nie pozwolono na "krzyzowy ogien pytan" jesli chodzi o swiadkow .

In terms of these so-called eye-witness accounts, close inspection of them reveals many patently contradictory and illogical statementsthat violate the natural laws of physics and chemistry, such as the idea that diesel engines at Treblinka could kill rooms full of peoplein 5 or 10 minutes, when the fact is that diesel engines put out afraction of the carbon monoxide of gas engines, and it is doubtful they could kill, even after 8 hours!

Zeznania swiadkow 'wziete pod lupe' sa pelne sprzecznosci i nielogiczne ,zaprzeczajace prawom natury ,fizyki i chemii ,jak na przyklad idea o mordowaniu wiezniow spalinami z silnika dieslowskiego w 5-10 minut .
Silnika ,ktory wydziela tylko znikoma czesc tlenku wegla w porownaniu z silnikiem benzynowym i nalezy watpic czy takie spaliny moglyby kogos zabic nawet po 8-miu godzinach"

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