Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Guten morgen herr Morgen...

Posted: 18 Dec 2007 02:09 pm Post subject: Kto pod kim w piecu pali...


Znalazlem cos bardzo waznego mowiacego o tym ile warte sa holo-fikcje i holo-mity.
Na tej stronie znajdziecie wszystko w szczegolach,lacznie z odnosnikami do dokumentow w procesu w Norymberdze,zeznaniami swiadkow itp.
Jest tego tyle,ze nie jestem w stanie tego przetlumaczyc w calosci.Dlatego :oryginal i glowny zarys tego co najwzniejsze.

[url] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RePortersNoteBook/message/560;_ylc=X3oDMTJxZHVvbHZpBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzE5NDI2OTE5BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTc1MDg2NQRtc2dJZAM1NjAEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTE5Nzk4MTA1NQ-- [/url]

LINK to first web address for this most important video:



Konrad Morgen

A wrench in the works of the Holocaust Myth. (1)

by Michael Smith
Fall 2007

I used to have all 4 hours of my video "One Third of the Holocaust" at Youtube.com, but then holocaust denial censorship finally kicked in and all episodes were removed.(2) Even episodes with titles as milk toast as "Reader's Digest" (where I look at a 1943 issue of the publication) were deleted. It's interesting to note that videos which claim 9-11 was an inside job orchestrated by George W. Bush, and that Bush deliberately killed thousands in the World Trade Center in order to gain power, those videos are not deleted.(3) They're not a youtube problem. I don't believe that theory but what a contrast: You can call the current president of the United States a mass killer of his own people and express that on youtube, but make a video stating that jews did not die in gas chambers in East Europe 60 years ago; that's a problem. Strange isn't it?"

na poczatku Michel Smith,autor unikalnych filmow video ,ktore sam polecalem wiele razy mowi o tym ,ze wszystkie te filmy zostaly wycofane z Youtube.
Podkresla jednak ,ze filmy mowiaca o roli Busha w 9/11 ,oskarazajace go BEZPODREDNIO o zaaranzowanie tej zbrodni sa nadal na Youtube.
Czyli ,ze mozna pokazywac filmy oskarzajace prezydenta USa o mordowanie wlasnych obywateli ale nie mozna pokazywac video ,ktore mowi ,ze Zydzi nie b yli mordowani w 'komorach gazowych"

Ale to tylko dygresja do waznej czesci jego wypowiedzi.

A wazna czescia sa wspomnienia Konrada Morgena,ktory w czasie wojny byl w SS i ,ktory byl sedzia "wewnetrznym " organizacji odpowiedzialnym za sciganie przestepstw popelnionych przez czlonkow SS w tym KOMENDANTOW BOBOZOW KONCENTRACYJNYCH.

Morgen worked as both investigator and judge prosecuting officials and guards in the concentration camps for illegal activities. In the Buchenwald camp, four people were arrested, including the former camp commander's wife, Ilse Koch. The main issue was that 3-4 prisoners had been killed some years earlier.(7) Morgen sentenced two of them to death. Ilse was acquitted on the charge of embezzlement, and the charge against her levelled by the inmates of making items out of human skin was withdrawn due to lack of evidence. Morgen had interviewed the prisoners at Buchenwald, but couldn't prove their stories about Ilse making tattooed lamp shades so he withdrew the charge. No one disputes Morgen's extensive wartime prosecutions. He described them in his own words at the Nuremberg Trial:

"I investigated about 800 cases, that is, about 800 documents, and one document would affect several cases. About 200 were tried during my activity. Five concentration camp commanders were arrested by me personally. Two were shot after being tried."(

Przez 8 miesiecy ,w 1943 roku w Buchenwaldzie Morgen prowadzil sledztwo w sprawie Karla Kocha i jego zony,Ilse Koch ,ktorzy byli w Buchenwaldzie w 1941.
Koch byl oskarzony o zabicie CZTERECH WIEZNIOW i defraudacje.jego zona o prace nad pomniejszaniem glow zamordowanych wiezniow w stylu amazonskim i wyroby galanteryjne z ludzkiej skory.
karl Koch zaostal skazany na smierc i STRACONY.Jego zone po 8 miesiecznym sledztwie prowadzonym przez SS i Morgena -sad uniewinnil.

W 1943 roku w czasie sledztwa Konrad Morgen nie znalazl nic,zadnego dowodu ,ktory moglby potwierdzic pogloski o wyrobach z ludzkiej skory ,ktore rzekomo byly produkowane w tym obozie w 1941 roku.
Te "dowody" znalazly sie nagle w dwa lata pozniej w Norymberdze.
To ze po wstepnych machinacjach sad odrzucil je jako "dowody" jest starannie pomijane przez holo-poprawnych.
Sam Morgen tez zmienil nieco swoja wersje.
Nie mogac negowac holo-bzdury wprost wymyslil inna bzdure ,ktora mogla pomoc mu w ratowaniu bylych przywodcow Niemiec ,ktorych czesc znal osobiscie.

Otoz m.in. wymysli oboz zaglady w pod-obozie Monowitz ,gdzie zolnierze w ss-manskich mundurach nie byli Niemcami tylko Baltami.

Udalo mu sie rowniez zmienic nieco opowiesc o zydowskim weselu w obozie na 1100 (tysiec sto osob !!!) ,o ktorym pisze w swoich oryginalnych wspomnieniach .]

So Konrad Morgen created an alternate version of the holocaust where the chain of command bypassed the SS, so that the men on trial (all of whom were in the SS) would be seen as not in the loop. The SS was designated a criminal organization and was accused of implementing the genocide; thus Morgen testified at Nuremberg as a witness for the defense of the SS. Morgen presents an alternate holocaust version: The extermination order, he said, went from Hitler, to Hitler's Chancellery office, to a man in the Criminal Police named Christian Wirth who was not in the SS (who by the way wasn't mentioned in the trial until Morgen mentioned him.) Wirth single-handedly set the whole thing up, using ironically, Jewish recruits. Only a couple lower-level SS even knew, according to Morgen.

Konrad Morgen tells the court how he first learned about the extermination program: It was by way of hearing about an odd wedding at a Jewish Labor camp near Lublin, with an extraordinary amount of invited guests. He says:

"1,100 guests participated in this Jewish wedding. What followed was described as quite extraordinary owing to the gluttonous consumption of food and alcoholic drinks. Among these Jews were members of the camp guard, that is to say some SS men, who joined in this revelry." (31)

At this point an askance look should come upon your face: Huh? How could Jews in a concentration camp, who sleep on bunk beds, put on a wedding with so many guests? How could they afford the food and drinks? And why in the world would German SS men be invited to take part in the celebration?

Something seems fishy to investigator Morgen. Perhaps there's some corruption going on in Lublin. So he travels there and talks to an administrator, Christian Wirth, and right away Wirth confesses to an enormous secret killing operation. Morgen then describes how Wirth recruited Jews to kill other Jews.

"Wirth staged an enormous deceptive maneuver. He first selected Jews who would, he thought, serve as column leaders, then these Jews brought along other Jews, who worked under them. With that smaller or medium-sized detachment of Jews, he began to build up the extermination camps. He extended this staff of Jews, and with these Jews Wirth himself carried out the extermination of the Jews.

Wirth said that he had four extermination camps and that about 5,000 Jews were working at the extermination of Jews and the seizure of Jewish property. In order to win Jews for this business of extermination and plundering of their brethren of race and creed, Wirth gave them every freedom and, so to speak, gave them a financial interest in the spoliation of the dead victims. As a result of this attitude, this sumptuous Jewish wedding had come about."(32)

Nowa wersja mowila ,ze to zydowscy pomocnicy do mordowania wynagradzani hojnie jakas czescia lupow za swoja brudna robte zorganizowala takie wesele.

O tych i masie innych rzeczy przeczytacie na stronie ,ktora podrzucilem.

Unbelievably, holocaust scholars tend to process him into a "righteous gentile."37 Someone who tried to stop the killing from the inside. Like Oskar Schindler, except Morgen's character didn't make it into the movie Schindler's List. It should have because that movie is based on a Plaszow camp commander named Amon Göth, who in reality existed, and who in reality Konrad Morgen arrested and imprisoned. But can you imagine if toward the end of the movie Schindler's List, the Nazis themselves arrest the head of the camp? That couldn't be included. It wouldn't have flown with the message Steven Spielberg was trying to put across. Morgen's actions, once again, would have thrown a wrench into the works of the story.

Jest jeszcze jeden ciekawy aspekt sprawy w ktora los wplatal Konrada Morgen n byl tym, ktory ARESZTOWAL I skazal na wiezienie Amona GOETHA ,komendata obozu w Plaszowie.

Tego samego ,ktorego z takim smakiem opisuje Spielberg w "Liscie Schindlera".
Tyle tylko ,ze nie zostalo oczywiscie powiedziane w filmie bo nie pasowalo do oficjalnej holo-wersji.

Wolna Polska zaczyna sie tutaj

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