Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Zbiornik w ksztalcie basenu !
Pozwolcie ,ze uzupelnie poprzedni wpis o pare nowych ciekawostek.
Przez wiele lat istniejacy na terenie obozu basen plywacki nie byl pokazywany.
Obecnie pokazuje sie go turystom z takim oto napisem :
Jeden z wiezniow ,Marc Klein w swoich wspomnieniach opowiada o tym ,ze ci z wiezniow ,ktorzy byli zwolnieni od ciezkiej pracy organizowali nawet mecze pilki wodnej ;
"The pool was a pool. It was meant for the detainees. Marc Klein mentions it at least twice in his recollections of the camp. In an article entitled 'Auschwitz I Stammlager' he wrote:
The working hours were modified on Sundays and holidays, when most of the kommandos were at leisure. Roll call was at around noon; evenings were devoted to rest and to a choice of cultural and sporting activities. Football, basketball, and water-polo matches (in an open-air pool built within the perimeter by detainees) attracted crowds of onlookers. It should be noted that only the very fit and well-fed, exempt from the harsh jobs, could indulge in these games which drew the liveliest applause from the masses of other detainees (De l'Université aux camps de concentration: Télmorgnages strasbourgeois, Paris, les Belles-lettres, 1947, p. 453).
O basenie troche wiecej
Po jakiego czorta Niemcy mieli by budowac zbiornik przeciwpozarowy w ksztalcie basenu i na domiar zlego wyposazac go w wieze do skokow i trampoline?
Chyba ,ze chcieli w ten sposob zmylic alianckie bombowce?