O tym draniu pisalem juz kilka razy.Pisalem rowniez o systemie ,ktory tej kanalii pozwolil bezkarnie zyc i pracowac az do emerytury w polskim ,podobno,panstwie.
Wtedy gdy pojawila sie wreszcie szansa na postawienie zbrodniarza przed sadem ,Morel zrobil to co przed nim (i po nim) zrobily setki innych zydowskich mordercow i gangsterow: uciekl do ojczyny wszelkiego bandytyzmu czyli do Izraela .
Jeszcze jeden bezkarny zbrodniarz
Rzad izraelski oczywiscie odmowil ekstradycji.
Ponizej fragmnet ksiazki zydowskiego pisarza Johna Sack'a "An eye for an eye" ("Oko za oko") ,ktory opisuje UB-eckie obozy koncentracyjne gdzie zydowscy komunisci masakrowali ludnosc cywilna.
"The UB run several death camps, one of the most notorious being Auschwitz III in Shvientochlovitz (p.100). The commandant of that camp was Salomon Morel, who is living in Tel Aviv now. Commandant Morel have personally murdered defenceless prisoners on several occasions, making use of a stool (p.103) and engaging in drunken parties which deteriorated into murder sessions on repeated occasions (p.105). On another date Morel, a/k/a Szlomo, and several guards (the camp staff was Jewish) beat a young boy "to a vegetable" with iron poles which were used for carrying kettles with soup(p.109), after the boy's failed escape attempt. False death certificates were issued to explain away the many deaths at Schwientochlovitz (p.106). At the end of 1945, according to Sack's account, some three-quarters of the prisoners under Morel's control were murdered or died (p.107)."
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