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The Holocaust Historiography Project
Remarkable Nonsense about the Holocaust
Holocaust victim dies only 38 years after Mengele experiments
Forgive, Holocaust survivor says
By Charles M. Bartholomew / Post-Tribune correspondent
May 20, 2006
VALPARAISO -- Eva Mozes Kor, an Auschwitz concentration camp survivor, brought her message of peace through forgiveness to more than 200 guests at a breakfast celebration of Older Americans Month, hosted by Pines Village Retirement Communities on Friday.
Kor, 72, founded the Children of Auschwitz Nazi Death Laboratory Experiments Survivors, or CANDLES, Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Terre Haute with her twin sister Miriam in 1984.
Born in Romania, they were imprisoned for a year at Auschwitz with their family and became part of Dr. Josef Mengele's infamous twins experiments.
Despite receiving at least 15 injections of unknown substances a week, Kor survived, but her sister, who was in the control group of the experiment, ultimately died as a result of Mengele's work in 1993.
Etatowa juz klamczucha [ktorej nawet F.Piper sie wyparl ("Nie mamy nic wspolnego z ta pania-oswiadczyl holo-Franciszek gdy poprosilem go o komentarz do wspomnien Evy Kor,w ktorych pisze ona o tym ,ze Mengele rozcinal bliznieta na pol a potem zszywal razem rozciete polowki!) - oswiadczyla tym razem ,ze otrzymywala do 15 roznych ,nieokreslonych co do skladu, zastrzykow tygodniowo.
Kor przezyla do dzisiaj ale jej siostra ,ktora tych zastrzykow nie otrzymala bo byla w 'grupie kontrolnej" zmarla w wyniku eksperymentow przepowadzanych na niej w obozie..
Zmarla w 1993 roku....
W 38 lat po tym jak paskudny Mengele robil na niej eksperymenty.
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