Pogrzeb mitow holo-kaustycznych
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Na stronie ,ktora podrzucilem powyzej znajdziecie mase informacji .M.in porowanie raportu Freda Leuchtera z wynikami badan Germar i polskiej komisji Markiewicza.
Same fakty,zadnych mitow.
Ponizej :fragmenty z ksiazki Germara Rudolfa,ktora zaprowadzila go do wiezienia holo-inkwizycji.
Final Conclusions
A. On chemistry
A: The investigation of the formation and stability of cyanide traces in masonry of the indicated structures as well as interpretation of the analytic results of samples of building material from these structures in Auschwitz show:
1. Cyanide reacting in masonry to produce Iron Blue is stable over periods of many centuries. It disintegrates on the same time scale as the masonry itself. Therefore, traces of cyanide should be detectable today in almost undiminished concentrations, regardless of the effects of weather. The outer walls of the delousing chambers BW 5a/b in Birkenau, which are deep blue and contain high concentrations of cyanide, are evidence of this.
W skrocie : obecnosc "Pruskiego Blekitu",blekitnego zabarawienia scian w wyniku reakcji w scianach jest bardzo trwala.(nawet przez setki lat)Znika w tym samym czasie jak znikaja mury.Dlatego te slady powinny byc zauwazalne dac sie zmierzyc prawie w oryginalnych ilosciach ,bez wzgledu na wplywy czynnikow atmosferycznych.Zewnetrzne sciany komory dezynfekcyjnej BW5a/b w Brzezince sa tego najlepszym dowodem
2. Under the physically possible conditions of the mass-gassing of humans with hydrogen cyanide, traces of cyanide must be found in the same range of concentration in the rooms in question as they are found in the disinfestation structures, and the resulting blue discoloration of the walls should likewise be present.
W zwiazku z tym w podobnych warunkach tam gdzie masowe "gazowanie" mialo by miec miejsce ,slady pozostawione w scianach powinny miec te same cechy co slady pozostawione w komorach dezynfekcyjnych i charakterystyczne ,silne blekitne zabrwienie powinno byc obecne
3. In the walls of the supposed 'gas chambers' the concentrations of cyanide remnants are no higher than in any other building taken at random.
W scianach tzw."ludobojczych komor gazowych " koncentracja sladowa cyjanidow nie jest wyzsza niz w kazdym innym ,wyrywkowo wybranym budynku
Conclusion to A:
On physical-chemical grounds, the mass gassings with hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B) in the supposed 'gas chambers' of Auschwitz claimed by witnesses did not take place.
Z punktu widzenia fizyki i chemii : masowe "gazowanie" Zyklonem B nie mialo miejsca
B: On building technology
O konstrukcjii budynkow
The investigation of the events of alleged mass gassings in the indicated rooms claimed by witnesses, from a technical and practical standpoint, including physical-chemical analysis, showed:
1. The extensive documentation on the Auschwitz camp does not contain a single reference to execution 'gas chambers'; rather it refutes such suspicions.
2. The supposed main gas chambers of Auschwitz, the morgue hall of the crematorium in the main camp and the morgue cellars I ('gas chambers') of crematories II and III, did not have any means for the introduction of poison gas mixtures. Holes in the roofs visible today were made after the war, and all other cracks are the result of the building's destruction at the end of the war.
3. The release of lethal quantities of hydrogen cyanide from the Zyklon B carrier requires many multiples of the time asserted; the actual duration runs to several hours.
4. To provide the necessary ventilation for the supposed 'gas chambers' of crematories II and III would have taken many hours, contrary to all witness testimony.
5. It would have been impossible to provide an effective ventilation of the supposed 'gas chambers' of crematories IV or V or of farmhouses I and II. The corpses could not have been removed from the rooms and carried away by the Sonderkommando without protective garments and the use of gas masks with special filters.
Conclusion to B:
The procedures of mass-gassing as attested to by witnesses during their interrogation before various courts of law, as cited in judicial rulings, and as described in scientific and literary publications, in any building of Auschwitz whatever, are inconsistent with documentary evidence, technical necessities, and natural scientific law.
Opisane przez swiadkow "masowe gazowania" podczas przesluchiwania ich przez rozne instancje sadowe ,cytowane w publikacjach prawniczych i naukowych, w zadnym z budynkow na terenie obozu nie sa potwierdzone przez :dokumentacje,wymogi techniczne i prawa natury
Germar Rudolf, Certified Chemist, in exile, on September 13, 2002.
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