Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Mit holokaustyczny -ciag dalszy
"But then people would say: "But suppose the Germans did destroy it all?"
Ale zalozmy,moze ktos powiedziec,ze Niemcy zniszczyli wszystkie dokumenty
All right, how about this: suppose we British were reading all the German signals. Suppose we British had an organization called GCHQ with 3,000 code-breakers taking every single German teleprinter message -- everything that was sent by radio. And we did. Suppose we were managing, from 1942 to the end of 1943, to read the entire radio coded traffic between Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen and seven other concentration camps, on the one hand, and the headquarters in Berlin, Wirtschafts- und Verwaltunghauptamt, Oswald Pohl's unit, on the other hand.
We were doing it, ladies and gentlemen. We British were breaking and reading the codes of the SS, reading the daily reports between the commandant of Auschwitz and the headquarters in Berlin and all the other concentration camps! And we knew exactly what he was reporting to Berlin about what was going on.
The German text of these decodedtelegrams are in the British secret service archives now. I'll tell you what they say in sum; I don't exactly know what they say verbatim because the British government, for reasons we in this room could only surmise, is refusing to release the exact text of the telegrams. But they've been good enough, in an appendix to Volume II of the British official history, the government history of the British secret service, to tell us what we can learn from these telegrams.
Each day the daily telegrams reported back to Berlin: the number of prisoners who had arrived that morning at each camp; The number of prisoners who left that day from each camp; the number of prisoners left in each camp at the end of the day. In addition, under a fourth heading was a category described, oddly enough, as "other losses" -- Abgange allerArt. And the British secret service deduced that "other losses" were mostly losses caused by deaths. According to the British official history says, "in the case of Auschwitz, most of these other losses turned out to have been due to illness. The remainder were partly accounted for by executions, which are described as having been executions by hanging and executions by shooting. There are no references to any gassings in Auschwitz."
W skrocie : tym ktorzy twierdza ,ze
Niemcy zniszczyli dokumenty dotyczace 'gazowania" jak rowniez wszelkie informacje na temat "tych nie przyjetych na ewidencje i wyslanych prosto z pociagu do gazu" Irving przypomina : mielismy 3000 tysiace specjalistow od lamania Niemieckich informacjii .Wszystkie depesze radiowe ,ktore wysylano z obozow do Berlina (codziennie) i z powrotem byly przechwytywane i czytane przez wywiad brytyjski.
Pomimo tego ,ze rzad brytyjski nie od-tajnil jeszcze kopii tych przechwyconych radio-depesz z tego co zostalo ujawnione wynika bez watpliwosci ,ze Anglicy doskonale wiedzieli co sie dzieje-CODZIENNIE- w obozach.
Przez caly 1942c i 1943 Anglicy znali :
Each day the daily telegrams reported back to Berlin: the number of prisoners who had arrived that morning at each camp; The number of prisoners who left that day from each camp; the number of prisoners left in each camp at the end of the day. In addition, under a fourth heading was a category described, oddly enough, as "other losses" -- Abgange allerArt. And the British secret service deduced that "other losses" were mostly losses caused by deaths. According to the British official history says, "in the case of Auschwitz, most of these other losses turned out to have been due to illness. The remainder were partly accounted for by executions, which are described as having been executions by hanging and executions by shooting. There are no references to any gassings in Auschwitz."
Kazdego dnia telegramy informowaly Berlin o ilosci wiezniow ,ktorzy przybyli do obozu danego dnia rano.
Informowaly o ilosci wiezniow ,ktorzy opuscili oboz w ciagu dnia.Dodatkowo ,czwarta rubryka wo odszyfrowywanych codzinnie depeszach byla rubryka :"Inne straty" .
Wywiad brytyjski przyja te "inne straty' jako "zgony".
Oficjalna angielska historia,ta juz ujawniona mowi : "W przypadku Oswiecimia wiekszosc tych "innych strat okazala sie byc spowodowana poprzez choroby.Pozostale liczby odnosza sie do egzekucjii ,ktore okreslano jako egzekucje przez powieszenie lub rozstrzelanie.NIE MA ZADNYCH INFORMACJII LUB ODNOSNIKOW DO JAKIEGOKOLWIEK GAZOWANIA
Z dokumentow ,ktore sowieci ujawnili w 1989 wynika jednoznacznie ze tzw .ksiegi zgonow przechwycone przez Rosjan mowia o 74 tysiacach ofiar w Oswiecimiu.
Na pewno jest to liczba szokujaca sama w sobie:74 tysiace ludzi ,ktorzy zmarli w obozie.Okolo 40 tysiecy z nich to zydzi.
W ciagu calego czasu istnienia obozu.
Ale i tak mniej niz zginelo w ciagu jednej nocy w Hamburgu gdy alianci przeorali to miasto bombami i prawie 3 razy mniej niz zginelo w ciagu 3 dni (nie 3- czy 4 lat ) w zbombardowanym dokladnie Dreznie.
Taka wyglada historia.Nie polityczna poprawnosc, nie zydowska czy inna propaganda.
Anglicy doskonale wiedzieli co sie dzieje w obozach.Stad ich taka a nie inna reakcja na holo-caustyczne doniesienia.Prawdopodobnie zdawali sobie sprawe z tego ,ze sami byli autorami czesci tych poglosek.
Wspominalem kiedys ,ze szperajac w antykwariacie znalazlem rzecz cenna:
zebrane w ksiazke -od polowy sierpnia 1939 do konca 1945 c roku artykuly prasowe z szanownej gazety brytyjskiej Spectator.
Sprawa zydow jest w nich wspomniana chyba 2 lub 3 razy
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